And tourist information about the city of Qingdao in China
Qingdao - Tsingtao and sometimes write - is one of the most beautiful and cleanest cities in the People's Republic of China, and has a population of about 2.5 million, the largest city in Shandong Province. Name "Qingdao" means "green island". Qingdao is a city soaked in the history of China in the twentieth century. The ancient city of Qingdao took Germany as a colony in 1897. During the 17 years of the colonial period, leaving the Germans raised the distinctive architecture of Qingdao can be seen today in its historic center and train station. It serves as a kind of Bavaria (State of Germany) in the eastern East China Sea, where the population of the sale Bratwurst sausages in the streets. In 1903, Tsingtao Beer was created by the world famous German Almstekin home. During the First World War, Japanese captured the city. And expelled through the movement of the fourth of May 1918 but were re-taking the city in 1938.
Qingdao will host the 2008 sailing events of the Summer Olympic Games in 2008. Qingdao climate varies between the wet and very hot in summer to snowstorms in the winter. Qingdao is the perfect destination if you want to combine fun on the shores of the sea with a visit to China. And is surrounded by sea on three sides, Qingdao attracts many tourists Bmhahdha the waterfront. And scenes such as villas, eight antique (Ba da my strength), and a bridge Chan and Mount Laoshan, Qingdao will help you to remember.
Ba da my strength (eight obsolete)
Ba da my strength attracting major tourist area close to the coast of Qingdao, is made up of eight streets named for its eight major military fortifications in ancient times. And along the streets of many traditional houses (Classical) European built when the German army occupied Qingdao by the First World War. And airspace which are unmatched anywhere else in China, where green spaces are vast and wide streets and little traffic.
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