mercredi 22 septembre 2010


Inca (Inca) ancient empire built by the peoples of the Indians in the South American region, which has a culture rooted in the foot include the land the Incas, Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador, part of Chile and Argentina, they built their capital, Cusco, a city and luxurious and full of temples and palaces are located at a height of 11000 feet above the level the sea in the Andes and has been called the Holy City of the Sun, with an area of 990 000 square kilometers.
The beginning was on the Andes in about a year in 1100, and lasted until the Spanish conquest in 1532. Incan civilization seemed to the onlookers behind in form and way of life but left a strange and confusing fingerprint damage to the myths that say that they come from outer space for the wonderful legacy he left.
Reach the people of the Incas to build a social justice has the government seized the land to ensure the people's livelihood, the gold, silver and other minerals, and herds of livestock, especially llamas, who plays communications. The family was the principal measure of the divisions-governmental organizations, each group of ten families of the commander is responsible to the Captain, who oversees the fifty families who take part in government, and each family a certain amount of crop land, as they were hatching their clothes and make their shoes and Isbikun gold and silver themselves, and the infirm, the sick and the poor throw adequate care of the community.
Was for the people of the Incas experience in agriculture, where they produce excellent crops and making carriers to bring water from mountain areas to water their fields and they have built bridges made of branches of the vine and willow scheduled ropes.
Alinkjon mastered the fine cotton weave skillfully so that when the Spaniards invaded the belief that fabric made of silk.
After centuries of prosperity, their empire was divided into two parts stood invading Spaniards and destroyed the empire.
Has been detected for the remains of one of the graves were found where the Incas around 1200 package in one of the places on an area of 5 hectares, each containing the body of at least one, and the number of bodies located in one of the packages on the bodies of seven people are still thousands of them buried beneath the town.
So far been detected 2200 man, woman and child of the rich and the poor to their part some food and clothes and household utensils to be used in the life of the Hereafter.
South America .. Is the third continent of the world in terms of space .. Declining population of the assets of the continent of Asia .. Lands, known as graduated from the peaks of the Andes volcanic along the west coast to the fertile plains in the middle east and that crosses numerous rivers, green pastures feed mostly in the Atlantic Ocean on the east coast. Characterized by fertile lands oozing good in most parts of the continent .. Came to Portugal, followed by the Spaniards in the mid-sixteenth century during the height of the glory of the European empires and the relentless pursuit to discover the new world and opened it. Dazzling from Tnauda European civilization and sovereignty of the existence of a civilization rooted in the foot extending from northern Ecuador to the Chilean State, built by Indian peoples seemed to the onlookers behind in its form and way of life, but left the imprint of confusion and legends say they came from outer space to the magnificence of inheritance known civilization «Incan». Surrounded «Cusco» DC four major cities in ways that very precise elegance and slave estimated size from between ten to twenty-five thousand kilometers is one of the wonders of the construction of the mountains in that historical era, including what is specific to only the king and his family, including what is for the servants, went to four key states represent «Cinchaisoyo» in Colombia and the current «Kontesoio» in Chile now and «Kolacio» in the State of Bolivia and «Antesoio» in Argentina's current and those cities that still exist showing the vast size of the territory of the Inca Empire. Plot of cultural heritage in the colonial Incas, there were eight Kings, from the founder of Asiturien «Manco Kobhak» and even «The» Erakoa, continue to rule the royal family up to fourteen generations. When he arrived at the European invaders to the region in the reign of King «Bachakotk» in 1471 entered a whole generation of kings in a bitter struggle for a long time to spread it over the white man and the fiery political cunning, and the kings of Mwbaderh Incas assassinated in times of one, and sometimes Ihadden until the arrival of supplies from Europe to Spanish Captain could «Martin Garcia» Marriage is for you «Tupac Amarillo» and then capture and get rid of him so that he condemned the imperial capital of Cuzco in 1572 and started plundering from the date of the era of the ancient civilization in about 1200 BC. Captured the Spanish city «Cuzco» capital until destroyed by a powerful earthquake in 1650.

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