..×.. Belgium bride Europe ..×..
Belgium is located in Western Europe. Bordered by Germany and Luxembourg to the east, France from the south and south-west, the North Sea from the north-west and north of the Netherlands. Belgium is one of the Benelux countries. Brussels is the capital unofficial capital of the European headquarters of many organizations of the Union, is also the headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
Information fast
The official languages of Dutch, French and German
The largest city of Brussels
Royal parliamentary system of government
The head of state King Albert II
Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt
Area 30,510 sq km
Population (2002) 10,309,725
Population density 338 people / sq km
Currency Euro (€)
GNP 294 billion U.S. dollars (2003)
GNP per capita 28.396 USD (2003)
Time difference UTC +1
The national anthem La Brabançonne
Car code B
Calling code be.
Calling code +32
(.. Climate ..)
Mild climate belongs to the model of Western Europe, a moderate maritime in general, winters are cold and summers are mild, and different from the climate Heights Jordan, where there is the continental style, winters are bitterly cold and dripping by the snow, Nthmr rains on the coastal band, mostly winter, dominates the forest on the highlands especially on a hill in Jordan
(.. Geography ..)
Belgium has three natural regions: the coast, Central and Jordan. Abound of agriculture in the second soil fertility, while frequent forest and the mountains and wildlife in the third. Most important rivers in the country are Scheldt and Muesh. The highest point in Belgium is a mountain Putrang highly-high 694 meters. Weather is generally mild to cool, average temperature is 25 degrees Celsius in summer and 7,2 degrees in the winter.
(.. Population ..)
Population density is one of the highest in Europe. Demography The country has three groups: Flanders, Walloon and German. The latter group was added to Belgium after Hazeemmp Germany in World War I in 1918. Formation of Belgium's population of two elements, Wallon and live in southern Belgium and speak French, the second element Flemish and Inhdthon language similar to Dutch and know Balvmenkip, and those living in the range residual from Belgium, so in the state languages are recognized, and there are a minority in Germany of the east, and Belgium's population of about ten million and a quarter million, one of the most congested parts of Europe, and increasing density in the center of Iljika in the north.
(.. Language ..)
Official languages are Dutch, French and German. 60% of Belgians are speaking to the former, 40% per second, while today there are about 1% of the German-speaking Belgium.
(.. Photos ..)
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